
Sophie Trudel 2021-2022 Competitive Kids and Teens

Paisley Willmott 2021-2022 Competitive Kids and Teens

Sonni Lalonde 2021-2022 Recreational Kids and Teens

Adriana McGuire 2021-2022 Competitive Megacrew

Audrée Lalonde 2021-2022 Competitive Kids and Teens

Cloé Fox 2021-2022 Recreational Kids and Teens

Ariana Benn 2021-2022 Competitive Kids and Teens

Eva Heatherington 2021-2022 Recreational Kids and Teens

Emma Bellemare 2021-2022 Recreational Kids and Teens

Julianne Camirand 2021-2022 Recreational Kids and Teens

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