
Laurier Sopchyshyn 2023-2024 Competitive - Solo

Jaelyn Faulkner 2023-2024 Competitive - Duo

Chloe Pilon 2023-2024 Recreational Preschool

Audrey Lavigne 2023-2024 Competitive Kids and Teens

Maya Robillard 2023-2024 Recreational Kids and Teens

Gabryana Fournier 2023-2024 Competitive - Solo

Cynthia Vinette 2023-2024 Competitive Kids and Teens

Kayleigh Gittens 2023-2024 Recreational Kids and Teens

Eira Serrano 2023-2024 Competitive Kids and Teens

Danyka Cote 2023-2024 Competitive Kids and Teens

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