
Eleana Houle 2018-2019 Competitive

Brooklyn Stallberg 2017-2018 Summer Workshop Package

Brielle Latreille 2018-2019 Recreational

Rosella Lortie 2017-2018 Preschool Recreational - Winter

Danika GAUDREAU 2017-2018 Preschool Recreational - Winter

Talyssia Gratton 2017-2018 Preschool Recreational - Winter

Cloe Fox 2017-2018 Preschool Recreational - Winter

Isabelle Collier 2017-2018 Preschool Recreational - Winter

Emilie Chalifoux 2017-2018 Preschool Recreational - Winter

Preschool winter in Rockland read more »

Talie O'Connor 2017-2018 Preschool Recreational - Winter

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