
Anne-Sophie Craig 2017-2018 Teens and Adults Competitve Advanced

Emilie Lashley 2017-2018 Teens and Adults Competitve Advanced

Valerie Chouinard 2017-2018 Teens and Adults Competitve Advanced

Jessica Baron 2017-2018 Teens and Adults Competitve Advanced

Emily Riopel 2017-2018 Kids and Teens Recreational

I'm registering my daughter Emily Riopel, she is 7 years old. It's my understanding that the classes take place on Mondays at 6pm. I would like her to start tonight Sept 25th.

Please call my cell if you have any questions. 613-858-9670.

Katie read more »

Lorel Vellenga 2017-2018 Kids and Teens Recreational

Valerie Boisvert 2017-2018 Teens and Adults Competitve Advanced

Gabrielle Martin 2017-2018 Adult Hip Hop Advanced

Amelie Lemieux 2017-2018 Teens and Adults Competitve Advanced

Cassandra Joly 2017-2018 Teens and Adults Competitve Advanced

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